
Episode 19: It's Earlier Than You Think

 Previous: Ep. 18  King of the Mountain                                        Next: Ep. 20 The Perfect Un-crime Just like last time, we begin with a suburban house and somebody crashing outwardly through glass doors. And, again, gun shots ring out.  But this time the defenestratee is not Sam. It is a man (Bill Catching) dressed in a dark, 1860s-style suit. He wears a stove-pipe top hat and sports muttonchop sideburns. (Note: Catching was a professional stuntman; so, even though you cannot see his face at all times, this is likely to be his own stunt, but that is not certain. Still, expand the second picture below and tell me that is not Catching.) He falls over the railing of the porch and tumbles to the ground. (Note the pistol in his right hand.) With his long-barreled revolver now in his left hand, he puts his right hand over an apparent wound on his left side and trades shots with his adversaries who are still inside the house.  The man with the stove pipe hat mounts a horse (los