
Showing posts from October, 2023

Episode 15. Rockabye the Hard Way

Previous: Invitation to Limbo                                     Next: A Nice Little Till to Tap Honey and Sam drive the Cobra into a remote Mexican town. Wearing straw sombreros that make them look like nothing else than tourists, they ask a local man, Jose (Pepe Callahan), for help in finding a man named McWhorter. Sam's Spanish seems non-existent, and Honey's is not much better, but when Sam shows Jose a wad of money, he elicits considerable helpfulness. "Esa es su casa,” the man says. A woman in a hammock (Bella Bruck) in front of said casa tells them that “SeƱor Mac” is not at home but is in the cantina. So, after introducing us to two new words in Spanish—casa and cantina—the scene shifts to the interior of the cantina, where a man (uncredited?) plays guitar as Honey and Sam enter. Jose, they find, has warned someone of their coming. "Our tipst...