Episode 17: How Brillig, O, Beamish Boy

Previous: Episode Sixteen: A Nice Little Till to Tap Next: Episode Eighteen: King of the Mountain A city street, a building with a sign that reads "Bank of Commerce." A thin little man walks in front of the bank. He stops, glances toward the entrance, then stands in front of the building reading a newspaper (or pretending to). Sam exits the building holding an envelope, which he puts in his pocket. He takes a good look at the little man, then walks away. A big man comes out of the bank and touches the little man on the shoulder. The pair begin to follow Sam. Sam looks over his shoulder. He stops to buy a newspaper. The two men stop and stare, like a pair of automatons, into the window of a travel agency. Now certain that he is being followed, Sam leads them on an obstacle race (not fast-paced, but full of obstacles). Then he rounds a corner where Honey, in the Cobra, is waiting at the curb. Sam only gets her attention long enough to toss the envelo...