Episode 13: The Gray Lady

Previous: Episode 12: A Million Bucks in Anybody's Language Next: Invitation to Limbo Opening: The scene is a movie premiere with a red-carpet that features Bert Parks, as himself, interviewing celebrities. “Yes, sir!" he gushes. "Wall to wall celebrities!” A host of photographers pop flashbulbs at the camera every few seconds. Parks addresses a camera labeled “abc” (appropriately enough, since “Honey West” aired on the ABC network). He interviews a “star” of the unnamed movie being shown, Nicole [inaudible] (Nancy Kovack). “How do you like America?” he asks her. In a thick French accent she says, “Oh, America is…” CUT TO a dapper, mustachioed man in a hotel room next to a TV showing the image of Parks and Nicole on the screen. “…Beautiful,” he says, finishing her sentence for her, but more than likely he is talking about the jeweled necklace he is examining. He is Abbott (Cesare Danova), a jewel thief who is famous in certain circles, ...